Look, a PDF! Tumblr (3.0; @lookpdf) https://lookpdf.com/ Easier research through multiple PDF papers <p>A simple tip that changed the way I work when I research a project and have to navigate multiple reference papers: merge them into a single doc.</p><p>This way I find it that it’s simpler to search through all papers, rather than switching between windows and doing it paper by paper.</p><p>To help with navigating the merged papers I usually generate a Table of Contents based on the merged files. This creates a simple click through TOC at the start of the merged doc.</p><p>Another trick to keep the merged document easy to navigate is to wrap the existing bookmarks in a parent (top level) bookmark based on the filename.</p><p>The <a href="https://www.sejda.com/merge-pdf">PDF merge</a> tool from <a href="https://www.sejda.com">Sejda PDF</a> handles all of the above nicely. It comes in a web service flavour and also as a <a href="https://www.sejda.com/desktop">desktop application</a> that can be installed.</p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="680" data-orig-width="920"><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cf3acd31104817e9008309340b4be9f2/tumblr_inline_p0tcctlhbr1r9cxcv_540.png" data-orig-height="680" data-orig-width="920"/></figure> https://lookpdf.com/post/168438516966 https://lookpdf.com/post/168438516966 Mon, 11 Dec 2017 15:01:26 -0500 Compress your PDF papers/textbooks library <p>I have quite a few papers and <a href="https://campustechnology.com/articles/2013/08/14/the-price-is-right-11-excellent-sites-for-free-digital-textbooks.aspx">textbooks</a> that I store on my <a href="https://www.apple.com/macbook">Mac</a>. The scanned ebooks are usually very large and when I open them with my favourite <a href="https://support.apple.com/guide/preview/welcome">PDF reader</a> they are quite slow to browse through.</p><p>I’ve found that if I <a href="https://www.sejda.com/compress-pdf">PDF compress</a> these scans they take up way less space (from 100s to few MBs) and Preview is much snappier when browsing/searching through them.</p><p>The compressor for PDF files online: <a href="https://ow.ly/UQNN30h9L42">https://www.sejda.com/compress-pdf</a></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="936" data-orig-width="1437"><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/c182629aacbbb57d8810adfefaaf72b3/tumblr_inline_p0tccd8EhF1r9cxcv_540.png" data-orig-height="936" data-orig-width="1437"/></figure> https://lookpdf.com/post/168438812561 https://lookpdf.com/post/168438812561 Tue, 28 Nov 2017 15:11:40 -0500 textbooks scanned pdfs compress pdf compress pdf online How to find free PDF books <p>In the day and age of the internet you can find a lot of books online. Here’s a few tips on how to find them.</p><h2><b>Using <a href="https://google.com">Google</a> Search</b></h2><p>Google is the best search engine for the web. Use it to find what you are looking for.</p><p>Here are some tips on how to search Google efficiently.</p><h2>Search within a website</h2><blockquote><p><b>site:gutenberg.org</b> catcher in the rye</p></blockquote><h2>Exact matches</h2><p>Use quotes to search for an exact title.</p><blockquote><p>&ldquo;catcher in the rye” pdf<br/></p></blockquote><h2>Search for PDF file type</h2><blockquote><p><b>filetype:pdf</b> catcher in the rye</p></blockquote><h2>Search with wildcards</h2><blockquote><p>&quot;catcher in the *”<br/></p></blockquote><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="680" data-orig-width="1200"><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/ed49b53f634048c81f263119bca8b74f/tumblr_inline_p0tcjlUv0A1r9cxcv_540.png" data-orig-height="680" data-orig-width="1200"/></figure> https://lookpdf.com/post/168424990291 https://lookpdf.com/post/168424990291 Thu, 23 Nov 2017 05:13:54 -0500